Manuel Riegler Composer


A real encounter between two sensing bodies – by Deutinger/Navaridas/Riegler

In MOTORA, Marta Navaridas interacts with a Volvo V60 in an attempt towards a real encounter between two sensing bodies – one organic and one non-organic. Overshadowed by the awareness of her own fragility and the presence of potential death lurking around such a relationship, she explores her affects towards the machine and enacts a poetic ritual of fatalism, meandering between erotic seduction, wishful thinking, pragmatic realism, and tender anthropomorphization.

Concept Alex Deutinger, Marta Navaridas, Manuel Riegler

Direction Alex Deutinger 

Performance Marta Navaridas 

Live Electronics and Sound Design Manuel Riegler 

Costumes Annemarie Arzberger 

Movement Coaches Florencia Demestri, Sam Lefeuvre 

Outside Eyes Monika Klenger, Frans Poelstra, Jacob Banigan 

Production & Tour Management Sophie Schmeiser 

Production Performanceinitiative 22 , mollusca production 

Supported by Kulturamt der Stadt Graz, Kultur Land Steiermark, Bundeskanzleramt Österreich,

Halle für Kunst Steiermark, Club Hybrid, Studio 8 Gries, brut Vienna

Photos Kati Göttfried, Clara Wildberger and Christine Miess